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Tuesday, June 10, 2008



Rosy said...

It's good that you take photographs that express your feelings, becuase with images you can transmit this really well. I like the photo at grand central, the one with the kiss, and the yellow dress, how you captured that moment? wow!!

K.P. said...

Me too! I love NYC but really miss my furbaby. Have you taken any photos of the dogs here in the city? The dogs are so much friendlier than the humans.... I like the dog run in Washington Sq.

Anonymous said...

Are those all your puppies!? Eeeee I miss my dog too now. So cute. I definitely get homesick too and miss my animals all the time.. prooobably more than I miss my parents.

jbkopstein said...

haha no, only the basset is mine, i was SUPPOSED to get a mini daschund BUT mi padre vetoed it for college. But that's my future Toby;)And my current Junior :)

Gogolab said...

I'm totally fallen in love with the picture of the dog who is on a yellow cloth. His look is so perfect! Too beautiful !!!!!